30/12/2019 We attended the Lancefield post Christmas dog shows after not being out for the past 8 weeks. Sia collected 5 bitch challenges, 4 Best of Breeds and an Intermediate in group all whilst naked as a jaybird! Saga 1 CC with RBOB and 2 reserve CC's. Karolyn 1 RCC & RBOB and 2 reserve CC's. Pleasing results for the other Carluke related dogs on show - Oliver children Giselle and Pirate in amongst the points bonanza and Ross son Robbie at just 6.5 months. We will finish the year out with shows tomorrow.
5/12/2019 Congratulations to Trish and Kevin Mcgill on picking up a Best of Breed with their girl Cher last weekend. Also hitting the highlights have been the youngsters of Kaye Reeves adding more points to their title quest. Samantha Buckleys babies are about to turn 6 months and have added sweepstakes wins since the last report. All the best for the busy Christmas period.
5/12/2019 Congratulations to Trish and Kevin Mcgill on picking up a Best of Breed with their girl Cher last weekend. Also hitting the highlights have been the youngsters of Kaye Reeves adding more points to their title quest. Samantha Buckleys babies are about to turn 6 months and have added sweepstakes wins since the last report. All the best for the busy Christmas period.
19/11/2019 Congratulations are in order for new exhibitor Janice in Singapore with her Tri dog puppy Kirrieloch Danz Thru My Heart - Robin at their first shows together they win 2 Minor puppy in shows, 1 Reserve Minor puppy in show and 1 Minor puppy of breed. Congratulations to the 3rd member of this lovely litter by Carluke Love Struck (AI) and CH Jencol Danzliknooneswatchn. Congratulations also to Kaye Reeves and her youngsters on doing the double at Kyneton with Flirt topping her brother for Best of Breed.
Our dogs are having some time away from the showring so it is nice to be able to report the wins of the extended family. We are happy to be able to report that they have not been idle however Sia and Prim had their hips and elbow xrays done and we are happy to report that they are both 0/0 = International A for both :)
11/11/2019 So we move onto November, the busy WDC, VIC Womens and Sunbury shows have been held, a tiring and busy weekend especially when you have 5 dogs entered and end up on the final day showing 7. Under International judges and with an International audience we were so proud with how our dogs performed. WDC - In an entry of 28 Rough Collies Our very naked Harriet went RCC & Ru BOB, Prim also naked was Junior of Breed, Karolyn won her class and Cher was 2nd. A Smooth Collie entry of 11 saw our lovely Sia collect Best of Breed our judge Mr B Henderson of Ireland. Vic Womens in the wind and rain with 22 Collies saw Prim go RCC & junior of Breed, Karolyn Minor Puppy of Breed, Harriet 2nd and Cher 3rd, again Sia was Best of Breed Collie Smooth in an entry of 9 for Swedeish judge Mr J Anderrsson. The final day saw some very different results but the best of weather in a entry of 33 Roughs Prim completed her hat trick of Junior of Breeds, Karolyn won her class, Cher 3rd and Harriet retired lame. From 11 Smooths Sia was 2nd under Irish judge Ms K Mcdevitt.
The weekend just gone we attended NO shows however we are so pleased that the Izkaze youngsters picked up both Challenges with Flirt beating her brother for Best of Breed at the Echuca shows, whilst at a weekend cluster of shows Claire Cashions Peggy experienced success winning multi bitch challenges and a Best of Breed. These youngsters are Oliver children :)
Our front page photo shows 3 children of Grand Ch Carluke Au Contraire and 2 Carluke Love Struck (AI) children - they are also Oliver grandchildren .
We have only managed 1 litter of puppies this year and this contained our very loving and successful Karolyn. We hope next year to have a bit more success in the whelping box in all colours and hopefully both coats.
31/10/2019 A wet and windy weekend spent in Mount Gambier - South Australia No fringie ribbons this time around however Sia won 3/4 Best of Breeds and Cher - Carluke Forever In Bluegenes won a very nice bitch challenge, many of our show team are starting to cast their coats we are however looking forward to the upcoming International cluster of shows - Working dogs, Vic Womens and Sunbury on Melbourne cup day.
Congratulations to Kaye Reeves and her youngsters sired by Oliver, Pirate picked up a Minor puppy in show and his sister Flirt won her class under Miranda Blake at the Collie Club of New South Wales show.
08/10/2019 A long but fun weekend away at Dog shows in Country Victoria and New South Wales. Karolyn on her first weekend away in the big girl classes won 3 Minor Puppy in Groups converting one into Minor Puppy in Show, also winning her first points with a Best of Breed. Sia not to be kept in the shadows on the last day went on to a lovely Runner up to Best in group (Group 2nd) award as well as adding further points to her name, the 3rd travelling companion Saga collected 3 Reserve CC's and RBOB but mainly she seemed to enjoy her time away. Travelling buddy Samantha Buckley with her Ross babies had a WOW of a time culminating in 1* 1st & 2*2nd in Baby Sweepstakes and 2 Baby puppy in group from the 3 shows she entered for. Not only did the dogs with us have fun in the ring Kaye Reeves young Oliver son Pirate tasted success collecting RCC & RBOB as well as Minor puppy in group at Seymour show.
Our dogs are having some time away from the showring so it is nice to be able to report the wins of the extended family. We are happy to be able to report that they have not been idle however Sia and Prim had their hips and elbow xrays done and we are happy to report that they are both 0/0 = International A for both :)
11/11/2019 So we move onto November, the busy WDC, VIC Womens and Sunbury shows have been held, a tiring and busy weekend especially when you have 5 dogs entered and end up on the final day showing 7. Under International judges and with an International audience we were so proud with how our dogs performed. WDC - In an entry of 28 Rough Collies Our very naked Harriet went RCC & Ru BOB, Prim also naked was Junior of Breed, Karolyn won her class and Cher was 2nd. A Smooth Collie entry of 11 saw our lovely Sia collect Best of Breed our judge Mr B Henderson of Ireland. Vic Womens in the wind and rain with 22 Collies saw Prim go RCC & junior of Breed, Karolyn Minor Puppy of Breed, Harriet 2nd and Cher 3rd, again Sia was Best of Breed Collie Smooth in an entry of 9 for Swedeish judge Mr J Anderrsson. The final day saw some very different results but the best of weather in a entry of 33 Roughs Prim completed her hat trick of Junior of Breeds, Karolyn won her class, Cher 3rd and Harriet retired lame. From 11 Smooths Sia was 2nd under Irish judge Ms K Mcdevitt.
The weekend just gone we attended NO shows however we are so pleased that the Izkaze youngsters picked up both Challenges with Flirt beating her brother for Best of Breed at the Echuca shows, whilst at a weekend cluster of shows Claire Cashions Peggy experienced success winning multi bitch challenges and a Best of Breed. These youngsters are Oliver children :)
Our front page photo shows 3 children of Grand Ch Carluke Au Contraire and 2 Carluke Love Struck (AI) children - they are also Oliver grandchildren .
We have only managed 1 litter of puppies this year and this contained our very loving and successful Karolyn. We hope next year to have a bit more success in the whelping box in all colours and hopefully both coats.
31/10/2019 A wet and windy weekend spent in Mount Gambier - South Australia No fringie ribbons this time around however Sia won 3/4 Best of Breeds and Cher - Carluke Forever In Bluegenes won a very nice bitch challenge, many of our show team are starting to cast their coats we are however looking forward to the upcoming International cluster of shows - Working dogs, Vic Womens and Sunbury on Melbourne cup day.
Congratulations to Kaye Reeves and her youngsters sired by Oliver, Pirate picked up a Minor puppy in show and his sister Flirt won her class under Miranda Blake at the Collie Club of New South Wales show.
08/10/2019 A long but fun weekend away at Dog shows in Country Victoria and New South Wales. Karolyn on her first weekend away in the big girl classes won 3 Minor Puppy in Groups converting one into Minor Puppy in Show, also winning her first points with a Best of Breed. Sia not to be kept in the shadows on the last day went on to a lovely Runner up to Best in group (Group 2nd) award as well as adding further points to her name, the 3rd travelling companion Saga collected 3 Reserve CC's and RBOB but mainly she seemed to enjoy her time away. Travelling buddy Samantha Buckley with her Ross babies had a WOW of a time culminating in 1* 1st & 2*2nd in Baby Sweepstakes and 2 Baby puppy in group from the 3 shows she entered for. Not only did the dogs with us have fun in the ring Kaye Reeves young Oliver son Pirate tasted success collecting RCC & RBOB as well as Minor puppy in group at Seymour show.
25/09/2019 A long but fun day was spent at the Melbourne Royal show on Monday, we took 4 girls along for the day adn they all came home with ribbons. The star of the day was Sia - collecting Bitch challenge Collie Smooth closely followed by Prim - who was Reserve Bitch challenge Collie Rough, Karolyn at just 6 months was 2nd to her half sister and Harriet was 2nd to the Best of Breed winner.
The girls enjoyed some time in Pat A Pup for Blackhawk, as well as meeting the admirers back at the benches.
Just as much fun was seeing the children of our boys out and about and enjoying success 🎉Congratulations 🎉 to Samantha Buckley on her first placings with a son and daughter of Ross, Janice Cook on her 1st placing also with a Ross daughter. Kaye Reeves on her first placings with a son and daughter of Oliver also Claire Cashion with her 1st placing with a daughter of Oliver. Patricia McGill and Kevin on 2nd with Cher (A Carluke bred girl) and Ness Lenarcic for giving Pena another Royal show Best of Breed winner.
Best of Luck for Group specials day to Gail Doe, Lorraine Neilson and their handler Amy Milne with Ava and Baxter and Ness Lenarcic with Sham- poo.
10/09/19 So very pleased to receive news from Slovenia that Bond has passed his breeding examination, Bond left Australia in January and is a son of Lyam - CH Carluke Song Sung Blue and Dion- Carluke Myhart Willgo On. We wish Neda and her family all the best with their endeavours going forward. You can visit the Collies of the Holy Mountain here
03/09/2019 Another Royal but this time in a different direction, Adelaide under Mr Michael Leonard of Ireland - Karolyn totally enjoyed teh experience taking our Baby puppy of the day, Prim was awarded 2nd in her class but performed so very well. Happy with the 2 youngsters that we took away.
17/08/2019 A quick trip to Brisbane for the EKKA (their Royal show) under Irish breed judge Mr John Walsh Jnr, I only took 2 young girls away with Sia the Smooth winning Bitch Challenge and Best of Breed whilst Prim accounted for Junior of Breed Collie Rough. The following day at the Collie Rough and Smooth Club show Sia continues her run with Reserve Bitch Challenge and Ru Best of Breed, Prim unfortunately was not to the judges taste this time.
24/07/2019 So very pleased with the critiques from our dogs at the recent Collie Club of Victoria Inc. Championship show under Mt Trevor Hayward of Foxearth Smooth Collies in the UK.
Since this show we have been away to another all breeds long weekend of shows, the only Collies there however pleased to collect the following :- 2 Baby puppy in group awards with Karolyn - Carluke This Is Me and an Australian bred in group with Sia - CH Foxbell X Factor as well as 3 BOB for both Sia and Dion - Carluke Myhart Willgo On
The girls enjoyed some time in Pat A Pup for Blackhawk, as well as meeting the admirers back at the benches.
Just as much fun was seeing the children of our boys out and about and enjoying success 🎉Congratulations 🎉 to Samantha Buckley on her first placings with a son and daughter of Ross, Janice Cook on her 1st placing also with a Ross daughter. Kaye Reeves on her first placings with a son and daughter of Oliver also Claire Cashion with her 1st placing with a daughter of Oliver. Patricia McGill and Kevin on 2nd with Cher (A Carluke bred girl) and Ness Lenarcic for giving Pena another Royal show Best of Breed winner.
Best of Luck for Group specials day to Gail Doe, Lorraine Neilson and their handler Amy Milne with Ava and Baxter and Ness Lenarcic with Sham- poo.
10/09/19 So very pleased to receive news from Slovenia that Bond has passed his breeding examination, Bond left Australia in January and is a son of Lyam - CH Carluke Song Sung Blue and Dion- Carluke Myhart Willgo On. We wish Neda and her family all the best with their endeavours going forward. You can visit the Collies of the Holy Mountain here
03/09/2019 Another Royal but this time in a different direction, Adelaide under Mr Michael Leonard of Ireland - Karolyn totally enjoyed teh experience taking our Baby puppy of the day, Prim was awarded 2nd in her class but performed so very well. Happy with the 2 youngsters that we took away.
17/08/2019 A quick trip to Brisbane for the EKKA (their Royal show) under Irish breed judge Mr John Walsh Jnr, I only took 2 young girls away with Sia the Smooth winning Bitch Challenge and Best of Breed whilst Prim accounted for Junior of Breed Collie Rough. The following day at the Collie Rough and Smooth Club show Sia continues her run with Reserve Bitch Challenge and Ru Best of Breed, Prim unfortunately was not to the judges taste this time.
24/07/2019 So very pleased with the critiques from our dogs at the recent Collie Club of Victoria Inc. Championship show under Mt Trevor Hayward of Foxearth Smooth Collies in the UK.
Since this show we have been away to another all breeds long weekend of shows, the only Collies there however pleased to collect the following :- 2 Baby puppy in group awards with Karolyn - Carluke This Is Me and an Australian bred in group with Sia - CH Foxbell X Factor as well as 3 BOB for both Sia and Dion - Carluke Myhart Willgo On

GRAND CH Carluke Au Contraire - 1st Veteran dog, VETERAN IN SHOW
Excellent head. Correct stop. Good ears. Good eye and expression. Nice conformation. Moved
Excellent head. Correct stop. Good ears. Good eye and expression. Nice conformation. Moved

Carluke This Is Me - 1st Baby bitch, BABY PUPPY IN SHOW
Very promising puppy. Very good eye and expression. Lovely head. Well placed ears. Very good
conformation. Moved well.
Very promising puppy. Very good eye and expression. Lovely head. Well placed ears. Very good
conformation. Moved well.

CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk - 1st Junior bitch
Nice head. Correct stop. Nice eye and expression. Good ears. Nice conformation. Excellent bend
of stifle with short hocks. Moved well.
Nice head. Correct stop. Nice eye and expression. Good ears. Nice conformation. Excellent bend
of stifle with short hocks. Moved well.

Carluke Forever In Blue Genes - 2nd Intermediate bitch
Beautifully coloured blue merle. Very good head. Lovely eyes with good expression. Good ears.
Nice conformation, perhaps a touch short on leg. Moved OK.
Beautifully coloured blue merle. Very good head. Lovely eyes with good expression. Good ears.
Nice conformation, perhaps a touch short on leg. Moved OK.

CH Carluke Moonlite Over Paris - 2nd Australian Bred bitch
Nice head with sweet eye and expression. Good ears. Nice conformation, a little short on leg.
Slightly out of coat. Moved OK.
Nice head with sweet eye and expression. Good ears. Nice conformation, a little short on leg.
Slightly out of coat. Moved OK.

CH Scottlyme Prelude To A Kiss (imp BELG) Bitch Challenge, Best of Breed, BEST IN SHOW
Very pretty head. Lovely eye and expression. Neat ears. Nice conformation. Good coat. Moved

CH Foxbell X Factor- 1st Intermediate bitch
Nice head. Nice eye. Well placed ears. Excellent conformation. Excellent blue merle colour. A
little open coated. Moved well.
Nice head. Nice eye. Well placed ears. Excellent conformation. Excellent blue merle colour. A
little open coated. Moved well.
Faiths critique from the Collie Club of NSW Championship show under Dina Korna of Estonia, the only Collie we entered.

Carluke Say Alittle Prayer - 1st Puppy bitch
Good type and size, correct lines and proportions of head, strong enough underjaw, correct
bite, nicely shaped eyes, little heavy ears, good topline, correct ribcage and chest, moves freely,
bit close behind, nice coat and temperament, little bit short in upper arm.
Good type and size, correct lines and proportions of head, strong enough underjaw, correct
bite, nicely shaped eyes, little heavy ears, good topline, correct ribcage and chest, moves freely,
bit close behind, nice coat and temperament, little bit short in upper arm.
July 02:- Well the much anticipated Collie Club of Victoria Championship show has been run and won. We are over the moon with the success of our dogs under breeder/judge Mr Trevor Hayward of the UK - Foxearth Collies. BEST IN SHOW with our gorgeous Belgium imported bitch Harriet - CH Scottlyme Prelude To A Kiss many thanks to her breeder Dora Richter in letting Harry travel down under to us :) BABY PUPPY IN SHOW with our delightful baby Karolyn - Carluke This Is Me VETERAN IN SHOW with the evergreen Oliver - Grand CH Carluke Au Contraire. Class wins for Prim - CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk & Sia - CH Foxbell X Factor. Sher - Carluke Forever In Blue Genes chipped in for a 2nd in Intermediate bitch & Nanette - CH Carluke Moonlite Over Paris a 2nd in Australian bred bitch wearing not much more than a bikini in winter!.
However it wasn't only the Kennel handled/prepared dogs that did well. Smooth Collie Best of Breed winner and eventual Runner up to BEST IN SHOW CH Jencol Written Inth Stars is a daughter of Eva - CH Carluke Only Makebelieve - congratulations to her owner Karen Hoggard and breeder Jenny Baker. 2nd Baby puppy bitch and making her debut Flirt- Izkaze La Coquette her brother Pirate- Izkaze Le Corsaire placing 3rd in Baby puppy dog at the Open show conducted on the same day CHAMPION IN SHOW was won by CH Elfreya All In A Spin all children of Oliver- Grand CH Carluke AU Contraire. Back to the Smooths and Intermediate dogs class 1st Sampo - CH Foxbell Finnish Warrior is a son of Pena - CH Bell Pepper's Gate Keeper as was the reserve bitch challenge and Ru to Best of Breed winner Pip - Grand CH Foxbell Fashion Plate
June 12:-3 shows over the Queens birthday long weekend - Dion finally cracked it for a bitch challenge under Mrs S Impey of South Africa of course she is now starting to blow her coat.
May 28 A couple more shows have been attended and fringie ribbons won by the entire show team. Prim and Sia have collected more points, whilst Dion continues as the runner up :)
May 16, Janice Cook and I had a fantastic trip to Sydney on the weekend just gone for there Championship show under Mrs D Korna, we had 3 Smooth Collies and 1 Rough and they all won their respective classes but the Smooth Collies kicked it up a notch with the evergreen veteran Grand Ch Foxbell Fashion Plate finally cracking a breed show BEST IN SHOW award. The gives her departed sire CH Bell Pepper's Gate Keeper 4 Smooth Collie BEST IN SHOW winners, he also won TOP SMOOTH SIRE for the show.
On the home front the babies have started to leave for there new homes and we wish everyone the best of luck with them.
April 24, Hoping everyone had a safe and happy Easter break, 3 of the dogs and I took of for the Easter shows hosted by the Mount Gambier kennel club, our first shows since January. Faith had her first appearance in the big dog ring winning 3 reserve challenges and a Minor Puppy in group award, Dion collected a Challenge and 2 reserves, whilst Sia won 5 Best of Breeds and 3 Junior in group awards as well as being shortlisted a couple of times for Best in group. I have added some updated pictures to both Faith and Sia pages as well as put up the babies 5 weeks photos, they are now 6.5 weeks and had their vaccination all passing with flying colours.
April 9, returning to the home kennel for a while is Prim - CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk 11 months old and fast loosing her puppy coat she is the first Champion for both her sire and dam Lyam and Dion. Dion is about to head back to the showring so we hope it is not too long before she also sports Champion before her name.
However it wasn't only the Kennel handled/prepared dogs that did well. Smooth Collie Best of Breed winner and eventual Runner up to BEST IN SHOW CH Jencol Written Inth Stars is a daughter of Eva - CH Carluke Only Makebelieve - congratulations to her owner Karen Hoggard and breeder Jenny Baker. 2nd Baby puppy bitch and making her debut Flirt- Izkaze La Coquette her brother Pirate- Izkaze Le Corsaire placing 3rd in Baby puppy dog at the Open show conducted on the same day CHAMPION IN SHOW was won by CH Elfreya All In A Spin all children of Oliver- Grand CH Carluke AU Contraire. Back to the Smooths and Intermediate dogs class 1st Sampo - CH Foxbell Finnish Warrior is a son of Pena - CH Bell Pepper's Gate Keeper as was the reserve bitch challenge and Ru to Best of Breed winner Pip - Grand CH Foxbell Fashion Plate
June 12:-3 shows over the Queens birthday long weekend - Dion finally cracked it for a bitch challenge under Mrs S Impey of South Africa of course she is now starting to blow her coat.
May 28 A couple more shows have been attended and fringie ribbons won by the entire show team. Prim and Sia have collected more points, whilst Dion continues as the runner up :)
May 16, Janice Cook and I had a fantastic trip to Sydney on the weekend just gone for there Championship show under Mrs D Korna, we had 3 Smooth Collies and 1 Rough and they all won their respective classes but the Smooth Collies kicked it up a notch with the evergreen veteran Grand Ch Foxbell Fashion Plate finally cracking a breed show BEST IN SHOW award. The gives her departed sire CH Bell Pepper's Gate Keeper 4 Smooth Collie BEST IN SHOW winners, he also won TOP SMOOTH SIRE for the show.
On the home front the babies have started to leave for there new homes and we wish everyone the best of luck with them.
April 24, Hoping everyone had a safe and happy Easter break, 3 of the dogs and I took of for the Easter shows hosted by the Mount Gambier kennel club, our first shows since January. Faith had her first appearance in the big dog ring winning 3 reserve challenges and a Minor Puppy in group award, Dion collected a Challenge and 2 reserves, whilst Sia won 5 Best of Breeds and 3 Junior in group awards as well as being shortlisted a couple of times for Best in group. I have added some updated pictures to both Faith and Sia pages as well as put up the babies 5 weeks photos, they are now 6.5 weeks and had their vaccination all passing with flying colours.
April 9, returning to the home kennel for a while is Prim - CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk 11 months old and fast loosing her puppy coat she is the first Champion for both her sire and dam Lyam and Dion. Dion is about to head back to the showring so we hope it is not too long before she also sports Champion before her name.
April 7 Have update the website with our current litter, they are now 4 weeks old and just a sweet as can be. I have also removed a lot of dead links from the links page if anyone wants to be added just drop me a line. Congratulations to Peggy and her owner Claire Cashion on there Best of Breed yesterday at Bulla Extravaganza.
April 1, Welcome to April everyone. Mum and I have been overseas for the past month so a lot of goings on have been missed we are slowly catching up with life and work . Thank you and Congratulations to Angela Sime in Queensland for titling Prim she is now known as CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk @ 10 months of age. Prim has returned home for a while and once she recoats after an early drop we hope to continue her show career. We also congratulate Claire Cashion and family on titling there Oliver daughter CH Elfreya All In A Spin we are looking forward to seeing this girl later in the year. We have our first 2019 puppies on the ground and they are growing like weeds I will introduce them to you all shortly.
Every bright side has a gloomy lining we have had a couple of losses in the last 8 weeks. Firstly Fancy - CH Carluke Fancy That was given rest at the lovely age of 13 years and 8 months, she is the grandmother of our Autumn babies her sister Bette continues to lead a happy life although is missing her sister. Our lovely vibrant Chestnut Arabian filly - Scarlet suffered a compound fracture of her foreleg and at only 13 months of age has left everyone broken hearted. This was then followed with the news that Quentin- CH Carluke Contraindicated in the same week was taken by an acute incident our hearts go out to Tania, Kimberely and Denise Adams.
February 9, 2019 Thank you to Angela Sime in Queensland for her continuing success with Prim - Carluke Diamentes At Dusk at nearly 9 months she is closing in on her title and a Multi Class in group and class in show winner, so very proud of these 2 girls.
Feb 2 saw the Victorian Night of Nights spectacular we were very proud to be represented by Ross's 2 Blue Merle Smooth Collie daughters Sia and Xee, Xee bowed out in the first round round and our lovely Sia made it through to the final 16
April 1, Welcome to April everyone. Mum and I have been overseas for the past month so a lot of goings on have been missed we are slowly catching up with life and work . Thank you and Congratulations to Angela Sime in Queensland for titling Prim she is now known as CH Carluke Diamentes At Dusk @ 10 months of age. Prim has returned home for a while and once she recoats after an early drop we hope to continue her show career. We also congratulate Claire Cashion and family on titling there Oliver daughter CH Elfreya All In A Spin we are looking forward to seeing this girl later in the year. We have our first 2019 puppies on the ground and they are growing like weeds I will introduce them to you all shortly.
Every bright side has a gloomy lining we have had a couple of losses in the last 8 weeks. Firstly Fancy - CH Carluke Fancy That was given rest at the lovely age of 13 years and 8 months, she is the grandmother of our Autumn babies her sister Bette continues to lead a happy life although is missing her sister. Our lovely vibrant Chestnut Arabian filly - Scarlet suffered a compound fracture of her foreleg and at only 13 months of age has left everyone broken hearted. This was then followed with the news that Quentin- CH Carluke Contraindicated in the same week was taken by an acute incident our hearts go out to Tania, Kimberely and Denise Adams.
February 9, 2019 Thank you to Angela Sime in Queensland for her continuing success with Prim - Carluke Diamentes At Dusk at nearly 9 months she is closing in on her title and a Multi Class in group and class in show winner, so very proud of these 2 girls.
Feb 2 saw the Victorian Night of Nights spectacular we were very proud to be represented by Ross's 2 Blue Merle Smooth Collie daughters Sia and Xee, Xee bowed out in the first round round and our lovely Sia made it through to the final 16
January 10, 2019 What a busy, busy year 2018 was both with the dogs and at home. Hopefully Christine (Mum) has seen the back of her surgeries and retirement activities can move up a notch for her. Allison has 3 Arabian fillies to further her small Carluke Arabian stud with, whilst on the Collie front we have some very exciting litters planned for the coming 12 months that may curtail our show-ring activities, however with youngsters in the hands of some very wonderful friends and fellow exhibitors we look forward to a promising 2019.
So onto a recap of 2018 :- It seemed to be the year of the SMOOTH with sisters CH's Foxbell X Factor and Fashion Xtra extraordinary 1st year in the showring, daughters of Ross ( Carluke Love Struck AI) and Pip (Grand CH Foxbell Fashion Plate) between them they have accumulated fringies for "Class in Show & group" awards at ALL BREEDS shows and Xee stepping it up to claim BEST IN SHOW at the 2018 Collie Club of Victoria Championship show. The sisters regularly compete against each other and are well and truly worth watching in the years to come.
The ROUGHS have certainly not been slouches with 4 claiming titles during the year, and maybe more satisfying is seeing the success of children of our stud dogs in the ring with other exhibitors. So as a re-cap on 2018
So onto a recap of 2018 :- It seemed to be the year of the SMOOTH with sisters CH's Foxbell X Factor and Fashion Xtra extraordinary 1st year in the showring, daughters of Ross ( Carluke Love Struck AI) and Pip (Grand CH Foxbell Fashion Plate) between them they have accumulated fringies for "Class in Show & group" awards at ALL BREEDS shows and Xee stepping it up to claim BEST IN SHOW at the 2018 Collie Club of Victoria Championship show. The sisters regularly compete against each other and are well and truly worth watching in the years to come.
The ROUGHS have certainly not been slouches with 4 claiming titles during the year, and maybe more satisfying is seeing the success of children of our stud dogs in the ring with other exhibitors. So as a re-cap on 2018
(Carluke Au Contraire)
(Carluke Song Sung Blue, Carluke Sunrise Over Paris, Scottlyme Prelude To A Kiss, Foxbell X Factor)
9 Collies Rough/Smooths in the showring collecting Challenges/Best of Breed awards
including young Prim Carluke Diamentes At Dusk over halfway to her title at 7.5 months
#1 RISING STAR COLLIE SMOOTH NATIONALLY (DOL) CH Foxbell X Factor her total included 9 class in group and 2 class in show awards. she was also #2 BREED CHALLENGE for VICTORIA and was not eligible for points until MAY 2018.
We can not ignore the success of Elfreya All In A Spin within a hairs breadth of her title and claiming Res Bitch CC at the 2018 Collie Championship show and Puppy of Breed at Melbourne Royal.
or her half sister
or indeed their SMOOTH half brother
CH Carluke Contra Indicated CACIB winner and BEST OF BREED 2018 Adelaide Royal and Dog Challenge at the 2018 Collie Club of Victoria Championship show.
all children of GRAND CH Carluke Au Contraire
Lyam - CH Carluke Song Sung Blue also has youngsters in the ring, leading her owners astray is the Blue Merle bitch Carluke Forever In Bluegenes pointed to her title and currently in junior coat drop. Then there is the already mentioned Prim - Carluke Diamentes At Dusk and her brother Carluke Top Secret and Secret Weapon